Our Story (Old)
Source started as a desire to share the gospel in a creative way.
Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help God's people is at the center of everything Source does. Source began as a dream of Anna's (pictured left). With a passion for giving, Anna began praying about new ways she could give to those in need, while giving glory to God and sharing his love with others. As God often does, he answered her prayers with a response greater than she could have ever imagined: A line of shirts and lifestyle products with God-honoring, Bible-based phrases that reflected her love of minimalistic style.
God gave her the vision and the name, but with a rambunctious two year old and a baby on the way, Source got sidelined. With the impending arrival of her second, she felt the urgency to launch Source. Anna again turned to prayer. She asked God to introduce her to someone who loved Jesus, would partner with her in her vision for what Source could be, and who loved good design. God sent her that exact person in Lizzy (pictured right). With a similar style, experience in design, and the same love for helping others, Lizzy was the perfect person to partner with.
What excites Anna and Lizzy the most about Source is how it will enable people to glorify God in the every day. When you wear a Source shirt out to dinner, carry a Source tote to the park, or put your baby in a Source onesie, you're inviting opportunities to have someone ask you about it and to tell them about Jesus. It's these simple, every day opportunities to tell others about Christ that Anna and Lizzy are passionate about. Sharing Christ in the every day.
The Babes Behind the Brand
Anna is the Founder and Creative Director of SOURCE. As she partnered with God to use her gifts of creativity and theological discernment, a unique brand was born. Her vision for SOURCE mirrors her minimalistic fashion sense and deep love for God’s Word. With a heart for gospel-centered living, she developed and runs the SOURCE ministry [re]SOURCE.
“Through every difficult season of my life, I have relied on the steadfast Truth of the Scriptures to ground me and fill me with the hope of God’s love.”
Robbin is our sweet, bubbly Communications Director. She has been blessed with the gift of encouragement and optimism. She will be answering your emails, coordinating giveaways, and working on building relationships with other Christian influencers to spread the word about SOURCE.
“Scripture teaches us to love others lavishly. I strive to do that everyday by letting the light of Jesus shine through me.”
Tiara is our Social Media Manager. She has an incredible eye for beauty and an even bigger heart for connection. She loves to make people feel welcomed and included and loves to interact with people from around the world through Instagram. When she is not working for SOURCE, she is studying at Northwest University and using her voice to serve as a worship leader.
Marissa is our Graphic Designer. She is an impeccable curator of typography and proportion. She collaborates with Anna on all of the designs and has a talent for turning sentiments and far off ideas into beautiful, clean designs. She is studying to become an elementary teacher and serving as a worship leader at her church.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change”. -Brené Brown
Louie is our SOURCE team mascot and the flurries member of the crew. His interests include hunting bugs, flipping his water bowl, and correcting the theology of popular Christian songs.